Saturday, December 31, 2011


This photo shoot included a first for me: taking pictures of someone standing on a frozen pond. That's what happens when you shoot portraits in December!


Friday, November 18, 2011


My brother-in-law asked me to shoot some pictures of him and his beloved instruments for an upcoming website and applications for music-related activities. And to accommodate me and my kids' schedules, he came to our house so we could do the shoot in our yard. Sadly, we don't still have brilliant colors on the trees that we did at the time; instead, we've got a yard full of brown leaves. Anyone wanna come over for a raking party?


Wednesday, October 19, 2011


The other day, my husband's brother's wife's mom (follow that?) asked if I could take pictures of their family. Done and done!



Lately, it's been all about the family group shot. The Egberts had their kids in town from out-of-state, so we did a quick shoot so they could have a current picture with their newest grandkids.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Braithwaites (times two)

This couple celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary this year, and I got to help them remember it by shooting lots (and lots!) of pictures of them and their kids, grandkids and great-grandkids at Freeman Park.

They also asked me to create a 24x36 collage of them and all their kids' family pictures. That's the largest picture I've ever held in my hands!

Immediately following the shoot, I took pictures of one of their sons and his family.


Monday, September 12, 2011


A client brought this original image to me and asked if I could help it out some.

Here's the result.



I had the pleasure of shooting senior portraits for the hubby's cousin. Here are some of her (and my) favorites.

I had the pleasure of shooting senior portraits for the hubby's cousin.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Father's Day

As a gift to the best dad in the world, we took these pictures and had them framed so he could display his beautiful girls at the office.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A cold, crisp day

So remember that wedding I mentioned? The work is finally finished, and the discs are burning. I'm glad we all survived the arctic temperatures that day. Here are a few favorites from the temple and the reception that night:


Thursday, January 13, 2011

I know, I know ...

... I should be working on wedding photos. But I had to take a quick time-out to shoot some gorgeous pictures of my gorgeous baby girl.

I have ulterior motives. Every time we have a baby, I try to enter the most beautiful picture of her into the Post Register's baby parade issue so we can win prizes. I don't understand how we haven't won yet, but I'm willing to try again.

So this morning I dressed Miri up in a onesie I learned how to dye at this site and shot a few pics. Here's my favorite.

I know what you're thinking. ... This won will win for sure! Right? Right?

I know what I'm thinking. ... She looks so adorable with a headband! So why does the little stinker yank them out every time I put one in?


Handsome man

I'll have wedding pictures to post soon, but I finished these last night and wanted to get them up.

While at the reception I was shooting last weekend, my childhood best friend (whose sister happened to be the bride) asked if I would take some pictures of her cute 1-year-old.

Handsome little man, isn't he?