Friday, March 4, 2016

Portrait of an apartment

Grandpa Wirkus spent 10 months at Lincoln Court before passing away last month. I shot pictures at his house before he moved to the retirement center. Those pictures mean a lot to me, so I shot pictures of his apartment the day after he passed.

Grandpa's name tag on his table.

Living room. Grandpa and I would sit in the recliners and visit while the girls would sit on the couch and watch PBS.

Curio cabinet. 

His glasses, comb and hearing aid on the shelf.

His shoes on the floor of the closet next to the bin of toys the girls played with.

His cane propped up on the side of the couch.

View the whole album here.


Tuesday, February 16, 2016


For our annual shoot at their house, we set up shop in the basement and took lots of pictures. Here's a sampling: